celebrate occasions with words
Recipients Name
Givers Name
up to 100 new Words
Fine Print
Taxes: We don't charge tax
Payment: We only accept, Paypal, eTransfer, No credit cards
Shipping: We use UPS and we will give you a quote. You can also pick up in Burlington
Digital: We will complete your order as requested and your document will be send as a pdf or jpg.
Its dimension size will be 8"x10"
Printed: It will be printed as a 12" x 18" glossy on photo paper which can be cut to 12"x16"
Framed: We will print it and insert into a beautiful 16" x 20" white wood frame with glass over layout
Photos: We can not guarantee the quality of photos. They must be high resolution.
Products: You will be directed to our zazzle.ca store.
Recipients Name
Givers Name
up to 10 new Words
Standard Designs
Pricing & Ordering
Great to see you here!
Below you will find pricing information and an order form.
You choose what you want...
Custom design
Let's get started.
Here is the order form.
Complete it and submit it to me. I'll confirm and then we will be on the way creating you a very special gift.
Note: If you choose a Standard layout you need to ensure I have the Recipients Name, your name (giver) and up to 10 words you want added/changed.
If you are choosing Custom you will need to supply all words for the layout. Up to 100 words. I can't guarantee where the words will be located, but I'll do my best to get them all in.
Talk soon!
Prices subject to change without notice.