About Me

Brenda Turino
Passionate, creative, innovator
In 2013 I became a "published" photographer and today I have over 100 shots being sold across the country through a wholesale home décor publisher.
Spring 2014 I won 1st Prize in a Grandparent Photo Contest presented by the Silver and Gold Lifestyle Magazine. Then featured again in the Winter issue after claiming the prize.
I was a volunteer event photographer with snapd Burlington for a few years which allows me to participate in events across the city such as grand openings, anniversary parties and fundraising to mention only a few. snapd is a free good news community based newspaper.
I love the idea that I can help create, capture and preserve memories for the future.
As I look back on my photo albums, I wish I had of taken more pictures and captured
more event of my life.
My background includes 30+ years in Marketing, which gives me that "creative eye". Learn more about me and some of the creative program I created for kids, youth and seniors at www.brendaturino.com. You can also find my business connection on LinkedIn. For years I have been a free lance designer and desktop publisher creating marketing collateral materials which gives me the knowledge of the kind of pictures that are required for business. All this allows me to ensure that every photo I take conveys a story or emotion.
On a personal note, I have been married to my husband Michael over 40 years, have a wonderful son, great daughter-in-law and they are both teachers. We have one granddaughter and one grandson which we adore and spoil.
I hope that you will allow my creativity in photography, work for you.
Most of my services are done in the Burlington and Oakville areas.
I’m sure you’re going to love what I can do for you.