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Brenda Turino is not a typical speaker who stands behind a podium and recites words. Brenda is on the move constantly, making solid connections with the audience. From the moment Brenda walks into a room the energy soars. Her vibrant personality and infectious smile provide an instant connection with her audience.


Brenda began her professional speaking career in 1996 and has never looked back. She speaks from her heart and this has proved to be effective, engaging and inspirational. She knows how to connect with her audience and is not shy about discussing delicate matters, in fact, there is no subject that she considers off limits.


Her speaking style is fun, interactive and motivational as she often uses true life experiences, stories and humour to drive her messages home. Brenda provides a memorable experience and audiences retain the information presented because she keeps the message simple and leaves them with something to think about.


If you are looking for a truly motivational and engaging speaker who can get your message across, then Brenda Turino is the right fit for you. Contact Brenda directly and together you can create something spectacular that will address your company's needs. Brenda will work within your guidelines and build a customized talk that will be pre-approved by you. No surprises, no embarrassment. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.


As a Teacher & Speaker



Brenda motivates, inspires, and shares her decades of marketing knowledge, wisdom and experience through lively learning experiences that will empower your audience to learn. Your participants will thank you for the opportunity to learn from such a knowledgeable, approachable teacher.


Brenda found out just how infectious her speaking talent was the first time in 1999 when she was asked to speak to the Brampton Board of Trade and later that year teach a six day marketing course for new business owners. Since then, she has been a marketing coach and contract facilitator to hundreds of business owners. Now she wants to share her knowledge, skills and talents with you.


Brenda does not refer to her teachings as seminars or presentations because, to her, that means "snoozinars". Brenda calls her sessions learning experiences because there is no sitting watching and listening…each student gets involved and is awoken to the love of learning. Brenda engages each member of the class by making the session fun, interactive and worth their investment of time. All sessions begin and end with learning outcomes and her content is rich with powerful stories, personal experiences and tips that each student can learn from, recall and use to excel their business.


Even her handouts encourage participation. Brenda believes that we learn from doing and this is revealed in her unique worksheets. You do not just leave a session with a copy of her slides, instead, you have to build your own notes with her interactive worksheets or workbooks. This method, requiring students to record the content, keeps them engaged and interested in the spoken word.


Watch Brenda presenting in her Promotions Workshop


If you would like to discuss your

training requirements or want to have

Brenda speak to your group, contact her directly.



Photograph by Denzil of Umanga Creations

© 2017 by Brenda Turino.

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