Newsletters let my creative side out. I love creating them whether they are for business or groups. I enjoy finding the articles, sourcing the photos (or shooting them myself), and desktop publishing it for my customers. Ask me if a newsletter is what you need.
Here are some samples
The Community Spirit
The Community Spirit was created to improve community spirit within a condo building. Her members paid a small monthly fee of $1 to receive it electronically and home delivery was an option. Filled with seasonal themes, funny jokes, inspirational and motivational quotes, heart touching stories and tid bids that make life a little brighter, nicer and more fun.
Click on the graphic and see the complementary July 2015 issue.
If your condo needs a newsletter, let me know and I’ll be glad to create on for them.
Empowering Perspectives
This publication started off as a simple two page newsletter and turned into an e-zine with up to twenty pages. Members were all over the world and a simple link was all that was needed.
If your organization needs a newsletter, let me know and I’ll be glad to create on for you.
Networking Newsletter
Encourage |Empower |Enlighten
This was a very different kind of newsletter. It was created with the support of all members of a network group. Each member would provide enough information to generate a page and I would desktop publish it into a comprehensive newsletter. Each members would send it out to their entire database providing insight, tips, or educational articles about their individual businesses monthly.
We could create a newsletter for your networking group, just ask.