Women's Programs
In 2005 Brenda founded The Women's Growth Network to empower women to be the best they could be. She published Empowering Perspectives which was a ezine where people could share their knowledge, experience and truths to help others grow physically, mentally and emotionally. Brenda offered talks and workshops on personal growth and has been working on a self-guided workbook for those who want to work on their own personal growth at home. Below you can learn more about her efforts and under Resources you will find a list of women's groups and shelters.
Read Our Story
The Story of the W.G.N.
The WGN was the vision of the founder, Brenda L. Turino, a highly energetic woman who motivates and inspires everyone she meets. Early in Brenda's life she realized that she wanted to change herself and the world around her into a positive and happy place. Thus began her own personal growth path. She searched for networks, groups, classes, seminars, and events that encouraged personal growth or offered self-improvement. She wanted to learn about wellness alternatives, spiritual methodologies, and lifestyle modalities. She watched the wellness industry emerge and bloom and recognized that it was women who were leading this new movement toward a more positive world of wellness.
Although there were many networking groups devoted to business women, there really was no place to go and gather with other like-minded women who want to grow their minds, bodies, and souls. The Women's Growth Network - a virtual gathering place or network of women all learning, celebrating, and growing together - was born.
To test the concept, Brenda held a "girly party" at her home to introduce the WGN's vision to some of her closest friends. All who attended encouraged her to continue with the development of her plan to create a model for others to duplicate the vision in their own communities.
In May 2005 The Women's Growth Network was launched in Richmond Hill, Ontario. It was a spectacular gala event with four separate Growth Pods happening where guests learned, laughed, and leisurely enjoyed meeting other like-minded women.
In the Greater Toronto Area Brenda offered Women's Wisdom Gatherings where an intimate setting is chosen and personal growth happens. The WGN worked with Spa Owners, Business Networking Groups, Associations, and Healing Centres and facilitated these nuggets of knowledge. Gatherings have taken place in Newmarket, Markham, Richmond Hill, Mississauga, and Brampton, Some of the titles offered so far include: Imagine Your Potential, Who Loves Me, Getting To Know Me, and, Turn Yourself On. Brenda is waiting to work with you to spread the wisdom of women.
PLAY Day was our most successful segments. We offered PLAY Day events in Bolton and St. Clements, ON for 4 years. This was an all inclusive event which allowed women to get away for the pressures of work, networking, and the like and just be for a day. All meals, snacks, instructors, facilitators, and equipment were included. It proved to be a wonderful relaxing, rejuvenating, and recharging kind of day.
For corporations, Brenda takes Personal Growth to a whole new level. During a Lunch n' Learn Brenda will work with a few employees and guide them on their journey. These sessions are ideal for employees who want more - more confidence, more understanding of themselves and others, more happiness in their lives. For Winners, a national retailer, Brenda conducted a session for the executive administrators as an appreciation event. Sessions included Work vs Loving Your Work, Task Appreciation, and two others that were custom designed to suit their needs.
For charity, Brenda offers a wonderful fun event called a SWOP Party. At these parties women bring their unwanted clothes, accessories, and such for donation and SWOP them for $2.00 each and take away some amazing bargains. Contact Brenda to learn how your organization can combine a workshop of personal growth and a SWOP Party (SWOP - Smart Women Open to Possibilities).
Brenda has been a Star Speaker for two years at the Esthetique Spa Show in Toronto . She presents the Power of Personal Growth and showed esthetic companies how they can incorporate personal growth to grow their businesses. As a Conference Faculty member at the APC Canada Conference, Brenda presented Creating a Better You through Positive Personal Growth. Participants love her fresh approach of learning presented in an interactive fun way.
This labour of love concluded in May 2011.
In the News
Women's Resources
Women's Groups
Company of Women - www.companyofwomen.ca
Creative Women's Entrepreneurial Alliance of Toronto - www.torontocreatives.ca
GWIN - Guelph Women in Networking - www.gwin.ca
Ladies Who Launch - www.ladieswholaunch.com
North York Women's Centre - www.nywc.org
W.A.R.M. (Women's Addiction Recovery Mediation) - www.warmniagara.org
WEC - Women Entrepreneurs of Canada - www.wec.ca
Women In A Home Office - Mississauga Chapter - www.womeninahomeoffice.com
Women of Today - www.womenoftodayinc.ca
WINGS Canada - Women in Networking Growing Strong - www.wingscanada.com
Women's Shelters, Help Lines, and Online Resources
Assaulted Women's Help Line - 1-866-863-0511 or 416-863-0511 - www.awhl.org
Guelph-Wellington Women In Crisis - Guelph - www.gwwomenincrisis.org - Crisis Line 519-836-5710 or 1-800-265-SAFE (7233)
Honeychurch Family Resources Centre - Brampton - Crisis Line 905-451-6108
Oasis Centre des femmes - Toronto - www.oasisfemmes.org
- Support Line 1-877-femaide (336-2433)
Shelternet for Abused Women - www.shelternet.ca
The Last Resort - www.Rehabilitation-Center.org
Yellow Brick House - Richmond Hill - www.yellowbrickhouse.org - Crisis Line - 1-800-263-3247
In the News
Brenda was invited to be on Life By Design which aired in August, 2007 on CHEX as part of Live @ 5. Here is the 7 minute interview that took place. Enjoy!.